Worried about Mental Health?
If you’re having mental health problems, you’re not alone. One in four of us will have problems with our mental health at some time in our lives.
If you want to talk to someone right away, click here to view a mental health helpline page which has a list of organisations you can call for immediate help. These are helplines with specially trained volunteers who’ll listen to you, understand what you’re going through, and help you through the immediate crisis.
The Samaritans operates a service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for people who want to talk in confidence. Call 116 123 (free to call).
If you’ve been feeling depressed for more than a few weeks or your anxiety is affecting your daily life, make an appointment to speak to your GP.
If you’ve had thoughts of self-harming or are feeling suicidal, contact someone immediately such as your GP, a friend, a relative or someone else you can trust. If you’ve already taken an overdose or cut yourself badly, dial 999.
Stockport Mental Health Support Groups
SAMARITANS Confidential listening service for people 24hrs a day, 365 days a year. Contact: 116 123 or jo@samaritans.org | STOCKPORT MIND Drop in services or support with information on mental health services. Contact: 0161 480 7393 |
AGE UK STOCKPORT Confidential counselling services for 50+ covering depression, anxiety, stress, bereavement and general relationship and family issues. Contact: 0161 480 1211 for appointments or email info@ageuk.org.uk | BEACON COUNSELLING Confidential counselling service for people over 18 covering depression, anxiety, stress, bereavement, relationships, family breakdown, trauma, childhood abuse and domestic violence. Contact: 0161 440 0055 for appointments or email office@beacon-counselling.org.uk |
THE WOMEN’S CENTRE Supporting women experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, domestic abuse, childhood abuse, loss and relationship difficulties. Contact: 0161 355 4455, email admin@stockportwomenscentre.co.uk | ‘CHATTER’ Chatter is a peer support group set in a relaxed and friendly environment for the 18-30’s in Stockport.Every Friday at Sir Joseph Whitworth Centre 6 – 8pm. Contact: Cindysmalley@hotmail.co.uk – Tel: 07974086778 |
BIPOLAR UK STOCKPORT SUPPORT GROUP Support Groups are free to attend and are open to anyone affected by Bipolar, including family, friends and carers. Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month, 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The Heatons Centre, Thornfield Road, Heaton Moor, SK4 3LD. | STOCKPORT PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING SERVICE Support to anyone with a GP based in Stockport aged 11 years and over. Services include one-to-one CBT based support, online therapies and structured groups.Contact: 0161 480 2020 or visit www.stockportpws.org.uk for more information and to refer yourself. |
Resources for if you’re Feeling Suicidal
‘I FEEL SO BAD I CAN’T GO ON’ Booklet: gives you tips about staying alive – even when you might not want to. It also helps you image a life when you start to feel good again – because you will. http://llttf.com/free_booklets/i_feel_so_bad_i_cant_go_on/ |
STAYING SAFE Slideshow written by a group of people including professionals supporting suicidal people, people who have got through tough times and people who have supported their own friends and family. http://www.connectingwithpeople.org/StayingSafe |
THE RECOVERY LETTERS Written with the intention to try and alleviate some of the pain of depression, to make the loneliness slightly more bearable and above all to give hope that you can recover. http://therecoveryletters.com/ |
U CAN COPE A 20 minute film made by people who feel suicidal and talks about what they did to cope and recover. http://www.connectingwithpeople.org/ucancope |
COUNSELLING DIRECTORY Connecting you with professional support. The online directory helps you find a registered counsellor or psychotherapist in your area of choice. http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/ |
Take Control Course
This course is for anyone who may be suffering from low mood, anxiety, stress, long term health conditions, and those who just want to get back in control of their life.
During the course, you will talk about different ways to get more control.
The course will run for 6 consecutive weeks, with one session per week. Each session will take place on the same day and time each week, and lasts for approximately 1 hour. You can ask your GP to refer you, or you can self-refer to the group by ringing Health Minds on 0161 419 5725 or via their website at https://healthyminds.penninecare.nhs.uk/.
If you have any further questions or want to find out more, please call Health Minds and one of the group leaders will get back to you as soon as possible.