Opening Times


  • Offerton Health Centre: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 19:00
  • Hillgate Surgery: Monday to Friday 08:00 to 19:00


Telephones are manned between 08:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday. We have one central number: 0161 983 9166 in use for both sites.

On Call

There is a duty doctor until 18:00 Monday to Friday to deal with urgent medical queries.


The practice closes at 13:00 on the fourth Wednesday each month for clinical meetings. Should you require urgent medical attention during this time, call the usual telephone number and you will be diverted to the local out-of-hours service. The practice re-opens Thursday mornings at 08:00.

Extended Opening Hours

The Practice offers early morning and evening routine appointments to see the GP and Nurse, and early morning appointments to see the Health Care Assistant.

Extended Hours ROUTINE GP appointments are available

  Early Morning AppointmentsEvening Appointments
Monday From 7:30 am at both sites Until 7:00pm at Hillgate Surgery
Tuesday From 7:30 am at both sites ————————————————————–
Wednesday From 7:30 am at Hillgate Surgery ————————————————————–
Thursday From 7:30 am at both sites ————————————————————–
Friday From 7:30 am at Hillgate Surgery ————————————————————–
Weekend closed closed

Extended Hours ROUTINE Nurse appointments are available

  Early Morning AppointmentsEvening Appointments
Monday ———————————————— ————————————————————–
Tuesday From 7:30 am at Both Sites Until 7pm at Offerton Health Centre
Wednesday ———————————————— Until 8pm at Offerton Health Centre
Thursday ————————————————————– ————————————————————–
Friday ———————————————— ————————————————————–
Weekend closed

Extended Hours ROUTINE Health Care Assistant appointments are available

  Early Morning Appointments
Monday ————————————————
Tuesday From 7:30 am at Hillgate Surgery
Wednesday From 7:30 am at Hillgate Surgery
Thursday From 7:30 am at Hillgate Surgery
Friday ————————————————
Weekend closed

When We Are Closed

If you are worried about an urgent medical concern that cannot wait until the surgery re-opens, you can telephone the surgery on 0161 983 9166 and you will be connected to NHS 111.

Alternatively, you can dial 111.

Calls are free from all landlines & mobile phones. The service is staffed by trained call handlers, with nurses on site to offer support if needed. NHS 111 staff will assess the callers’ symptoms and discuss the problem with you and may advise you over the phone, or will advise you to attend the most appropriate service for your symptoms.

In a genuine, life-threatening emergency you should call 999.

Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency. Call 999 when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.